Chauncey Mayfield from Zero to a Billion While Black

Chauncey Mayfield from Zero to a Billion While Black

Community, Disrupt, Disruption Now, Featured, Politics
[vidseo id="17859" width="100%" excerpt="15" ]HOSTED BY ROB RICHARDSONShare This! CONNECT WITH THE HOSTROB RICHARDSONEntrepreneur & Keynote SpeakerRob Richardson is the host of disruption Now Podcast and the owner of DN Media Agency, a full-service digital marketing and research company. He has appeared on MSNBC, America this Week, and is a weekly contributor to Roland Martin Unfiltered. BOOK ROB AS A KEYNOTE SPEAKERMORE WAYS TO WATCHthin Serious about change? Subscribe to our podcasts.SUBSCRIBE NOW! !function(){function t(t){this.element=t,this.animationId,this.start=null,this.init()}if(!window.requestAnimationFrame){var i=null;window.requestAnimationFrame=function(t,n){var e=(new Date).getTime();i||(i=e);var a=Math.max(0,16-(e-i)),o=window.setTimeout(function(){t(e+a)},a);return i=e+a,o}}t.prototype.init=function(){var t=this;this.animationId=window.requestAnimationFrame(t.triggerAnimation.bind(t))},t.prototype.reset=function(){var t=this;window.cancelAnimationFrame(t.animationId)},t.prototype.triggerAnimation=function(t){var i=this;this.start||(this.start=t);var n=t-this.start;504>n||(this.start=this.start+504),this.element.setAttribute("transform","rotate("+Math.min(n/1.4,360)+" 12 12)");if(document.documentElement.contains(this.element))window.requestAnimationFrame(i.triggerAnimation.bind(i))};var n=document.getElementsByClassName("nc-loop_circle-02-24"),e=[];if(n)for(var a=0;n.length>a;a++)!function(i){e.push(new t(n[i]))}(a);document.addEventListener("visibilitychange",function(){"hidden"==document.visibilityState?e.forEach(function(t){t.reset()}):e.forEach(function(t){t.init()})})}();
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Jemele Hill – ‘Unbothered by Critics’

Jemele Hill – ‘Unbothered by Critics’

Disrupt, Disruption Now, Featured, Politics
[vidseo id="17942" width="100%" excerpt="15" ]HOSTED BY ROB RICHARDSONShare This! "Criticized for having Beliefs."Jemele Hill is being widely criticized for telling black athletes to pick Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) over predominately white schools. Jemele Hill, the former ESPN host argues that black athletes are helping the fortunes of major universities while HBCUs suffer. Is she right?Show NotesIt's time for black athletes to leave white collegesJemele Hill slammed for urging black athletes to attend HBCUsBlack male athletes continue graduating at lower rates than other student-athletes, black nonathletes, and undergraduates in generalAthletes are getting degrees but what does that actually mean?Republicans don't get HBCUsCONNECT WITH THE HOSTROB RICHARDSONEntrepreneur & Keynote SpeakerRob Richardson is the host of disruption Now Podcast and the owner of DN Media Agency, a full-service digital marketing and…
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Shawn Holley: On Kim K, OJ & Justice

Shawn Holley: On Kim K, OJ & Justice

Community, Disrupt, Disruption Now, Politics
[vidseo id="18523" width="100%" excerpt="15" ]HOSTED BY ROB RICHARDSONShare This! "The Trial of the Century."Holley learned the ropes from Johnny Cochran during the Oj Simpson trail dubbed “the trial of the century.” In May 2018, Ms. Holley and Kim Kardashian West met with President Donald Trump at the White House to lobby for the release of Alice Marie Johnson, a first-time, non-violent drug offender who was serving a sentence of life without the possibility of parole. Ms. Holley and Ms. West were successful in persuading Mr. Trump to commute Ms. Johnson’s sentence in her twenty-second year of imprisonment.CONNECT WITH THE HOSTROB RICHARDSONEntrepreneur & Keynote SpeakerRob Richardson is the host of disruption Now Podcast and the owner of DN Media Agency, a full-service digital marketing and research company. He has appeared on…
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